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mission partners

for Emmaus

in the face of the conflicts and all sorts of challenges,
engaging the present and 
sustaining the future
A steadfast, prayerful, welcoming Christian presence in the Holy Land...and a beautiful, accessible site to give witness to the Resurrection and the Breaking of the Bread!
Help us send aid for the solar panel project that the community at Emmaus is planning. The installation will cost $100,000, but in the long run will truly make our life and ministry more sustainable.
Can we count on you as a monthly or annual mission partner for Emmaus? Join us as stewards of this grace and mission!
Why is it a crucial opportunity? 

A Christian Source


The site of the Breaking of the Bread was all but abandoned until we were called here in 1993. For 28 years now, how amazing that anyone can pray, celebrate Mass, and proclaim the Gospel any day here in the 1500-yr-old ruins of a Byzantine cathedral. Christians, Jews and Muslims are greeted by religious brothers and sisters and volunteers. They 2,000-yr-old tombs, the prayerful ambiance of our gardens, courtyard, and chapel where one of us is taking our turn with an hour of silent, adoring prayer.

a witness and inspiration for all 

People of all religions and no religion visit our site for its beauty and its archeological/historical depth. The pilgrims, tourists and locals discover three things: the Road to Emmaus and Jesus' Breaking of the Bread on Easter Sunday; the intricacies of the largest ruin of a Byzantine basilica/baptistry in Israel; and the fact that there is a community living and praying here!
In the Middle East, proselytizing is prohibited. However, when people come onto our property with their personal seeking, we are expected to answer their questions! They find our mosaics and icons, our sensitivity for Jewish-Christian dialogue and friendship, and our love for the Beauty of Eastern Christianity. Many join us for prayers and meals.

How much longer a Christian Presence remain in the Middle East? 


Every remaining Catholic place of prayer, Christian life, and mission is precious and fragile here in the Middle East. Christians in Israel now number about 1.5% of the population.
We do not receive aid from any particular source.  Like many communities, we depended on ministry to pilgrims and tourists, as well as their gifts. Covid-19 has eliminated, for the moment, these various ministries and contacts. Our leadership here has also changed, and we realize that our outlook needs to change, too, and we need to form a development plan to sustain our future.
I'd love to take time to Zoom and answer your questions and know more about what kind of mission you seek to support! Please consider joining us!
Here are a few links to learn more...
Holy Site of Emmaus
The Community
Website of the Community at Emmaus
May the Lord bless you!
In His grip, 
Fr. Anthony of the Transfiguration, CB

Please consider a one-time gift or a monthly tithe! You can mark "Emmaus" on the sign-up form. 

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