Man cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself.
Gaudium et Spes, 24
Let the Lord challenge your faithfulness to daily prayer and Liturgy, your charity in intentional community and manual service, your Gospel witness through encounters during our travels and through hospitality in-house and around the country. Come out of yourself, ready to learn: Spirituality, Theological Anthropology, discernment, Judaism, Eastern Christianity, Hebrew (or Arabic in Lebanon) and French language. Get to know religious life from the inside, through an experience with the Community of the Beatitudes and other communities.
When & Where?
3 months beginning Sept, Jan, or May​​​​
France, at the service of our center for retreat and mission or with babysitting service at our house in German-speaking Switzerland
Contact us if you have questions!
Extensions possible as a missionary intern
Cost & details
Each participant seeks benefactors to raise $4000, which includes flights, travel insurance, room and board. If money is an issue, ask about SCHOLARSHIP!
Each season begins with team-building, retreat, and onboarding; and ends with retreat and debriefing days.
Apply, then we will interview you and, if possible, host you for a weekend.
Participate in daily Eucharist, chanted Liturgy of the Hours, Byzantine Divine Liturgy, and Lectio Divina. Grow in relationship with the Lord through adoration, charismatic praise, Marian Consecration, and times of silent prayer.
Begin with orientation in our Denver community and at our mountain prayer cabins. Learn for a couple hours a week through formation talks, directed reading of books and articles, formation films, spiritual direction, lessons and practices of language, and study sessions with guests. Also embrace the opportunity to go on pilgrimage with us.
Sample schedule​
​(Note: each community house schedule is slightly different and schedules are busier when on outings)
7:00 Lauds
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 - 12:00 Manual work or assisting with Beatitudes Missions projects
12:00 Break
1:00 Lunch
2-6 Adoration/Formation/Free/Sharing
6:15pm Vespers
Group activity - game/sharing/free
9pm Night Blessing
Communion and Mission
Participate in community meals, manual chores, group sharing, spiritual direction, roommates, hiking, and Sunday night films. Service: welcome retreatants, work in the garden, house projects, evangelization in cities or schools, and service projects.