Spiritual Direction
Any human experience can be an experience of God. Spiritual direction should help you realize the Lord at work, help you bring that experience into prayer and into the light of the Lord.

Why do I need Spiritual Direction?
Deeper knowledge of God and our personal path comes more smoothly when I can articulate what is happening. I can do this best with someone who has experience and knowledge about spiritual paths, in a relationship that is in confidence, unbiased, and focused on this goal of the steps I am taking experiencing God.
what to expect
Every meeting should begin and end in prayer. As you enter into your time of spiritual direction, prepare your heart to encounter the Lord through your director.
It is important for your spiritual director to get to know you during the first few sessions. Consider sharing with them the answers to the following questions:
Where are you at in life right now?
What has your spiritual journey looked like in the past and in recent times?
Where do you feel the Lord inviting you to grow at this time?
It is best if you run the agenda during your meetings. Your director should ask questions along the way, but it is good for you to have certain things that you want to share and questions that you want to ask.
It is often helpful to have your journal available during your meetings. This allows you to revisit past prayer experiences to share with your director and note what the Lord is speaking to you during your meetings.

Who can I meet with?
By signing up for spiritual direction through Beatitudes Missions, you are able to meet with trained members of the Community of the Beatitudes or an affiliated lay spiritual director.
How often should we meet?
The frequency of spiritual direction meetings varies based on the individual. Many people find that about once or twice a month works well, but this should be discerned by you and your director based on your current situation.
Changing spiritual directors?
If the meeting was uncomfortable or unfruitful, don’t hesitate to not ask that director again. If it was just okay, give it a try for a few times. Still, don’t have any scruples about not coming back to a certain director.
It does not cost anything to sign up for spiritual direction through Beatitudes Missions. However, please note that we pay $25 per session to the spiritual directors. If you have found spiritual direction to be fruitful and would like to make a donation for your spiritual direction, you can do so here.