BEatitudes Weekend
brighton, MI (near ann arbor/detroit)
5784 Richardson Road Howell Mi 48843
Nov 8-10
Weekend Schedule
Friday, Nov 8
5:30p Mass
7p Sabbath welcome talk
7:30 Sabbath prayer meal
10p Night Blessing
Saturday, Nov 9​
8:30 Quiet prayer, confessions available, coffee and breakfast available
9a Chanted Lauds
10a talk
10:45a Personal reflection with questions, confessions available
11:30a Mass
12:30p Lunch in silence
Quiet prayer, confessions, spiritual direction, sport
3p Dance lessons
4p Talk
4:30p Small groups
5:30p Byzantine Vespers, prayer ministry
7p Dinner
Hangout, board games
9p Night Blessing
COST: $70 for the full weekend, including lodging and food
$30 of you have applied an upcoming trip
Just Friday evening: $15
Just Saturday retreat: $30
Make an initial $20 to reserve your spot!
Ok to apply well ahead of time and to mark a maybe for different weekends.
What to bring: Bible, journal, writing utensils, sleeping bag
Open application: anyone may apply for the retreat, especially if they are seeking admittance or scholarship for France, Israel, Peru, or Lebanon, or even they are not discerning a trip at this time, but just want the spirituality!
If you are unable to participate in the entire weekend, please indicate that in your application and we will discuss pricing.
If you are a tithing member of our Sources Discipleship program, this retreat is free of charge for both you and a friend.
Can't Join us for the whole weekend?
Come for Friday Shabbat
Join for Saturday or just Sat evening