what to pack?
​It's a pilgrimage and not a vacation! We'll live simply,
rely on those around us, and carry everything on our back.
!!!Large backpacking backpack 45-55 liters
​Great if small enough to fit in the airplane carry-on compartment, but it will likely be too long, especially if it has a frame. Usual carry-on allowance for overseas flights is 22 x 18 x 10in. If you check it, 5% chance it arrives a couple days late and will be delivered to us.
Great if you have extra space (for group items and souvenirs)
Day backpack​​ ​
This will be your “personal item” for the flight.
Great if it can fit in your large backpack for when we are carrying everything.
If you check your big bag, pack in here 2 nights of clothing and small toiletries (no liquids over 3.4oz).
Misc. items
!!!Compact, lightweight sleeping bag
Lightweight tent, if you have one (let us know!)
Jetboil or lightweight camping stove, if you have one (let us know!)
Student ID card (discounts)
Pouch (around neck or money belt) for passport, cash, and ID​
something for easy access while backpacking
a small crossbody purse works great for women, or fanny pack
Small Bible - only if you're coming for a longer time, e.g., as an intern or service team
Journal and/or pocket notepad
Pen, pencil
Lightweight personal book, preferably relating to the trip...optional, since pertinent books will also be available to borrow. Let us know if you have a sweet book on one of the saints we'll meet, that you want to bring to share.
Smartphone, don't worry, we'll limit your use!
please download WhatsApp before arrival
lightweight power bank
European plug converter if you have one. We have several to lend.
Interns only: lightweight laptop, if you have one.
Headphones (not earbuds) for translation radios (you can also take them from the plane, or borrow a pair of ours)
Hat - baseball cap or other for sun protection
Lightweight water bottle
At least $50 cash spending money (or great if you change to euros--cheaper at a bank than at the airport)
Can venmo while abroad for any $ needs
Credit card, especially in case of a medical emergency
Towel, small for camping/packing convenience
Small travel-size toiletries. We'll by some so you can refill.
A bit of toilet paper in a ziplock or plastic bag to keep with you for hikes and in case public toilets are out of paper
Active shoes or small hikers (not big boots);
​we'll walk a lot and we'll be in church a lot!​
Sandals that are good for walking, like Chacos
Shower sandals optional
Clothing below, gals then guys
We'll be able to do laundry every 3-6 days​

Women's clothing
(for interns and service team, maybe one or two more of everything)
6 shirts
3-4 nice t-shirts (and Rome pilgrims will receive a Frassati dry-fit, if you don't already have one)​​
2-3 nicer blouses - for Friday Shabbat, feast days/Sunday
Underwear for 5-6 days
3-5 pairs of socks depending on how much you think you'll wear shoes or sandals
1-2 pair of lightweight pants, one that you could sleep in if it's cold
2 jacket/sweater/sweatshirt layers, one that is good for rain, one that is good to sleep in if it's cold​
1-2 pair of shorts for sleeping, hiking, running, or beach (modest)
2-3 light, active skirts or dresses (at least to the knees)
bike shorts work great for under skirts
if you're not into skirts, pants or modest shorts are fine
head scarf/shawl if you want, for sun and to wear in church (it's rare for women to wear veils in church, except for in Byzantine churches, but you can if you want); if your dress has bare shoulders, you can cover them with a scarf
1 swimsuit: modest, one piece or preferably tankini (for bathroom/changing convenience)​
Men's clothing
(for interns and service team, maybe one or two more of everything)
1 pair of swim trunks
Underwear for 5-6 days
3-5 pairs of socks depending on how much you think you'll wear shoes or sandals
2 pair of lightweight nice pants (maybe one you can sleep in if you're cold)
2 jacket/sweater/sweatshirt layers, one good for rain, one you can sleep in if you're cold
1 ​nice pair for hiking
1-2 sporty for running/sleeping--we’ll be camping and bunking guys in relative proximity to girls. Please sleep in more than boxers!
6 shirts total
Nice T-shirts (and Rome pilgrims will receive a Frassati dry-fit, if you don't already have one)
3-4 lightweight nice shirts (polos, button ups), at least 2 of them white for serving Mass and for Friday night Shabbat.
For fall 4-months, guys bring at least 5 collared shirts.
Bring if you have them​
Head lamp/small flashlight
Tent (tell us!)
Camping stove (ask us!)
Camera (please volunteer to bring a camera if you have a good one and some experience) - A few of us will take photos/videos for everyone.​​
NOT to bring
​Large bottles of shampoo, lotion, etc.
Laptop (please ask first, good to bring small for intern)
Hair Dryer/appliances
Low-cut collars, tank-tops
Lots of make-up