BEatitudes Weekend
Lawrence, KS
January 26 - 28​
Location: Saint Lawrence Catholic Campus Center ( 1631 Crescent Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044)
Upon your application, we will send you more retreat information.
Weekend Schedule
Friday ​​​
7:30p Talk: Holy Rest: the Jewish Roots of the Lord’s Day (Sr. Agnes)
8p Sabbath prayers, wine (and juice) and cheese, dessert (Fr. Anthony)
9-9:45p Introductions, Night Blessing
Saturday ​​
10a Chanted Lauds
10:45 Intro and talk, Beauty Invites Me to Trust (Sr. Agnes)
11:30a Adoration/confession/spiritual direction
12p Talk Trust and Surrender with St. Therese (Sr. Sarah)
12:30p Lunch in silence
1:15 Israel Pilgrimage Testimonies
1:45 Dance lessons
2:15 sharing groups
3p Closing talk/introduction to vespers (Fr. Anthony)
3:45 snack
4p adoration/confessions/spiritual direction
5p Mass
6pm Chanted vespers
7:30 dinner
8:45 Israeli dance lessons
10p Night Blessing
8:30 Quiet prayer and adoration in basement, confessions available, coffee and breakfast available in basement
9:30a Chanted Lauds in basement
10a Final word
11a Mass
12:30p Lunch
Can't Join us for the whole weekend?
Come for Friday Shabbat
Join for 6pm Vespers and dinner on Saturday
Come say hi to us after 10:30am Mass on Sunday