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reunion '97 pilgrimage
January 15-22, 2022
$1900-2400 + airfare
in our 25th reunion year,
what a great way to have quality time to catch up!
what a group of people to share the trip of a lifetime!
8-day basic trip, extra days optional, for free time in Jerusalem, guiding available, or custom itineraries elsewhere in Israel, Jordan, etc.
Prices vary according to room preferences, number of pilgrims, extra days, reservation possibilities, & early bird discounts
Limited spaces, preference to '97 Fairview alumni and spouses; you are welcome to have others (even BHS grads or '96/'98 grads) fill out the interest form; we may do a similar trip in subsequent years
All included except tips ($60?), extra booze, 2 meals on your own, and shopping
Fr. Tony Ariniello is your guide, with support from interns. We love to hike, to swim, to learn some Jewish and Eastern Christian songs, to encounter locals, to allow time for prayer and reflection, and to keep it simple for accommodations and food
Group Scripture meditations and prayer times led by Fr. Tony and various pilgrims; he'll celebrate Mass most days, and anyone is free to join
You book your flight, we'll meet you at the Tel Aviv airport
All expenses patronize local small businesses
Any proceeds will go to our mission of sustaining a Christian presence in the middle East and bringing college students here for formation and service (see video below)
Walk 40 min in running spring water through Hezekiah's tunnel to the pool of Siloam
- Explore the tunnels and ruins of the Temple
Shabbat Jewish praise at the Western Wall
Way of the Cross/Holy Sepulchre
Guided tour of the Jewish open market in Jerusalem with an amazing local expert
Visit the church and meet the bishop of local Arabic Christians
​The hometown of Jesus in Nazareth
- Hike up the Mount of the Beatitudes and pray in the cave of Jesus' solitude
- Walk 5k along the shores from the site of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes to Capernaum
Hike up to Christ's Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor
Cave of Christ's birth...and shopping! in Bethlehem
Walk/swim on the shores of the Mediterranean at the huge Roman ruins of Caesarea
Float in the Dead Sea
Renew your baptismal promises at the Jordan River
Hike the Road to Emmaus
Visit the Mosque, Synagogue, and Tombs of Abraham & Sarah, Isaac & Rebecca, and Jacob & Leah in Hebron
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